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Stop Procrastinating and Write Your Damn Book!
One of the biggest struggles for writers is procrastination. Whether you’re still in the planning and outlining phase, working through your first draft, or firmly in the revision phase, if procrastination has a hold on you, it can feel incredibly difficult to overcome. But here’s the sneaky thing about procrastination: it doesn’t always look like something we can control. Procrastination can look like being too busy with other tasks that we can’t not do.

Finding Time To Write As A Mom To Young Kids
I came across an Instagram post the other day from a fitness coach that said any fitness coach who tells a mom to young kids that “we all have the same 24 hours” should be disregarded immediately. And as a mom to a toddler, that resonated with me and made me feel seen. The idea that we all don’t have the same 24 hours has been running through my mind since reading that post. Prior to becoming a mom, I went to the gym 5 days a week, waking up before the sun to get to the gym before heading to the office. I loved my routine and gained energy and motivation from my early morning gym sessions. But since having my son, I’ve struggled to find a good routine and rhythm for my workouts.

How Becoming a Mom Changed My Writing Life
When my husband and I decided to expand our family and have a child, we knew a lot of things would change in our life. We prepared for the sleepless nights, the changes to our weekend schedules, and the hit to our disposable income. And while I had some vague idea that my writing life would change as well, I had a pretty good routine down prior to becoming a mom and wasn’t too worried that I wouldn’t be able to adapt.