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Indie Author Interview: C. D’Angelo
It’s my absolute pleasure today to share my interview with C. D’Angelo, the award-winning author of three indie novels, The Difference, The Visitor, and her newest release today, The Gift. I worked with C. on The Visitor, and it’s been amazing getting to know her and watch her success the past few years. As an indie author to now three published novels (who also has a full-time career outside of writing), I thought she’d have some great insight to share with us today about writing and her process.
Why You Need a Writing Community
One of the first suggestions I give anyone who says they want to write a book is to find a community of writers to surround themselves with and who they can feel supported by. Why? Because writing, by nature, can be a very isolating, lonely endeavor if you allow it to be. But if we write in solitude, never connecting with other writers or seeking help or critique or guidance, we impede our ability to improve as writers.