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5 Steps to Succeed as an Indie Author
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

5 Steps to Succeed as an Indie Author

I recently spoke with my local library about being a speaker for their Indie Author Day event coming up in November, and it got me thinking about last year’s event. While I was excited for this event, two of the three speakers last year were traditionally published authors, and while I’m an advocate for both traditional and indie publishing, it was disappointing that these authors weren’t able to answer many of the questions those in the audience had about becoming an indie author. One of the big questions asked was “how can an indie author be successful?”

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Indie Author Interview: C. D’Angelo
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

Indie Author Interview: C. D’Angelo

It’s my absolute pleasure today to share my interview with C. D’Angelo, the award-winning author of three indie novels, The Difference, The Visitor, and her newest release today, The Gift. I worked with C. on The Visitor, and it’s been amazing getting to know her and watch her success the past few years. As an indie author to now three published novels (who also has a full-time career outside of writing), I thought she’d have some great insight to share with us today about writing and her process.

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Why I Love Women’s Fiction (But Hate The Name)
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

Why I Love Women’s Fiction (But Hate The Name)

Women’s Fiction is one of my favorite genres. It’s the one I write and am published in, and it’s one of my favorite genres to work with as an editor and book coach. I love the rich stories women’s fiction encompasses and the relatability of those stories. But when I published my debut novel this past spring, I heard from a lot of the men in my life that they weren’t sure they’d be able to relate to the story or sharing surprise that the story resonated them despite its label as “women’s fiction,” at which point I would have to go into a lengthy explanation about what women’s fiction actually is and how it isn’t only for women.

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Why I Decided to Indie Publish My Novel
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

Why I Decided to Indie Publish My Novel

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen a little while back that I officially decided to become an indie author and am releasing my debut women’s fiction novel early next year! This was a huge decision for me, and one that took a long time to make. Even though I’d been considering this option for a while, it was one that came with a lot of practical and emotional considerations, and I wanted to be certain before taking the leap.

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The Different Types of Editing
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

The Different Types of Editing

The term “editing” refers to a lot of different processes in writing, so it can understandably be confusing when writers hear that they need to hire an “editor.” Having a solid understanding of the different types of editing (and at what point in the process you’re most likely to need each type) can help you communicate your needs to professional editors and also help you research and vet an editor you may want to work with.

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The Cost of Publishing a Book
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

The Cost of Publishing a Book

One of the biggest questions I hear working with indie authors is “How much does it cost to publish a book?” The second biggest question? “Do I really need [insert production cost here].” I get it. It’s rare that an indie author is someone supported by a sizeable trust fund with no financial obligations. More often, said author is jumping into publishing their book as a side gig. It’s been their dream to be an author, to publish their story, and they just want to get it out there.

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Why Didn’t I See That?
Lisa Fellinger Lisa Fellinger

Why Didn’t I See That?

A year-and-a-half ago, I’d hired my own developmental editor for my manuscript. I’d been working on this story for several years by this point and had worked on it in workshops and solicited critiques and feedback from fellow writers. But there is such a thing as too much feedback when it comes to our writing, and all the feedback and input I’d received left me feeling confused about the direction I needed to take to really make this story work.

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